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The simulation software can be categorized based on the functionality it performs. Some of the leading types of simulation software include -

Risk Analysis

A new project implemented or a change in a process has an impact on the profitability of a business. This type of simulation software is built on mathematical models which identify the potential risks and uncertainties using probability distributions. It gives a complete understanding of the future possible threats to your business in case of a new idea or project is executed.


The term "agent" here means equipment, people, or practically anything else which can impact the processes of an organization. For example, think of the impact a new machine can have on the overall production of a manufacturing unit. Agent-Based simulation software can help you in extracting the accurate insights and responding smartly.

Discrete Event

The discrete event type of simulation software helps in detecting the specific events that occur due to your specific business process. For example, the increase in leads was due to a new advertisement of your company published. This type of simulation software can be used for a diverse range of organizations to help them scale and stay competitive.

System Dynamics

System dynamics doesn't refer to the new product launch or any other event having an impact on the profitability of the business. It refers to the entire system, which can affect the processes of an organization. For example, simulation tools based on system dynamics can foresee the consequences of discontinuing a product line on the overall business.
